When it comes to style, there’s no one right way to do things. That’s why it can be so tough trying to copy your boyfriend or husband and achieve the same level of fashionable success. But don’t worry – with these tips, you can fake it until you make it when it comes to fashion.

Start by dressing like them

If you want to steal your boyfriend’s style, the first step is to start dressing like them. This means wearing clothes that are similar to their wardrobe, and incorporating their style into your own look. For example, if your boyfriend likes to wear jeans and a t-shirt, try dressing like him and wearing jeans and a shirt as well.

Another way to steal your boyfriend’s style is to imitate the things he does. For example, if he likes to cook dinner at home often, try cooking dinner at home yourself more often. If he likes to go out for drinks with his friends, try going out for drinks with your friends more often.

If you want to really take advantage of his style, try incorporating it into your own blog or website. For example, if your boyfriend loves writing about cars, write about cars on your own blog or website. If he loves going hiking, hike along side him when he goes hiking. By taking these small steps, you can really start borrowing your boyfriend’s style and becoming one of his favorite people in the process!

Follow their favorite brands

One way to steal your boyfriend’s style is to follow his favorite brands. If he likes to wear clothes from a certain company, start wearing clothes from that company too. This will show him that you are supportive of his style and help you to blend in with his lifestyle.

Another way to steal your boyfriend’s style is to copy the way he styles his hair or dresses. If he rocks a particular hairstyle or likes to dress in a particular style, try to adopt that look yourself. This will show him that you care about what he looks like and that you want to be part of his fashion world.

Use the same makeup and hairstyles

One way to steal your boyfriend’s style is to use the same makeup and hairstyles. This will make it look like you’ve been styling your hair and makeup together. You can also try wearing clothes that he wears or items of clothing that are similar in style.

Another way to steal your boyfriend’s style is to copy his accent, clothing choices, or lifestyle. If you want to be more creative, you can try using the same colors and styles as him, but with your own twist. Alternatively, you could create your own style based on the things that he loves.

Mirror their lifestyle

One way to steal your boyfriend’s style is to mirror his lifestyle. If he likes going out clubbing and drinking, try going out clubbing and drinking with him. If he likes going out on dates at fancy restaurants, try going out on dates at fancy restaurants with him.

If he likes wearing clothes that are popular among young people, wear clothes that are popular among young people. If he likes listening to music that is popular among young people, listen to music that is popular among young people.

Just by following your boyfriend’s lifestyle, you will start to look like him and steal his style.

Try out their favorite restaurants

If you want to steal your boyfriend’s style, you should try out his favorite restaurants. This will give you a good understanding of his taste and preferences, which will make it easier for you to imitate him.

You can also try out his hairstyle and clothes style at home. If he likes to wear a particular outfit or have a specific hairstyle, try replicating it at home. This will help you learn more about his personal style and make it easier for you to adopt it when you start dating him again.

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